I'm sure I said I was going to cut back on varieties this year!
2014 seedlings sown 15/3 |
The above Picture was taken today and show my chillies progress since being sown on March 15th, which is later than usual, but the propagator and greenhouse fill up quickly and it can be a case of jiggling when to sow in order for all the seedlings and plants to fit. They are in quite small pots and will need potting on into something bigger very shortly. Several varieties are compact growing types, Caldero F4, Cayennetta F1, Pretty in Purple, Pyramid and Starburst, these will remain in pots for the season.
My seedling list, still growing indoors under lights.
Aji Fantasy
Aji Largo
Albert's Locoto
Black Hungarian
Black Prince
Caldero F4
Cayennetta F1
Fish Pepper
Guatemala Orange
Hyper Pube CAP 217
Mild Jalapeño
Pink Habanero
Pretty in Purple
Red Peruvian
Several are new to me varieties, others I've grown before. The following four are all newbies.
Fish Pepper, variegation starting to develop |
I love variegation on plants, can't wait to see how the fruits look
Black Prince, first flower bud. |
I'm growing couple of black fruited chillies this year Black Prince sounded interesting and certainly looks like it will be early to flower and I hope fruit.
Aji Fantasy |
Aji Fantasy sounds gorgeous and has been bred in Finland by Fatalii, it has been registered for Plant Breeders Rights, but I should be fine to save seeds for my own use.
Guatemala Orange, hairy leaves of a Rocoto |
I'm looking forward to this orange one, love those leaves.
I'm developing a big liking for Rocoto peppers. They are easy to grow and produce lots of fruit, even in cooler conditions, what's not to like? Well for me the heat they can be a bit too hot to handle at times, but it doesn't diminish my attraction to them. This year I've sown Aji Largo, Albert's Locoto, Guatemala Orange, Hyper Pube CAP 217 and Red Peruvian
Albert's Locoto, black seeds of a Rocoto fruit 2012 |
I had a couple of varieties fail to germinate, I think the seed was just a bit too old. But I was lucky enough to have one germinate each of Lantern and Mild Jalapeño (packed for 2008) Both varieties were from Real Seeds some years ago. The Mild Jalapeño is doing well although Lantern is very slow growing and looks a bit pathetic. I've popped it back in the propagater in the hope it will give it a bit of a boost.
I'm hoping it grows into a plant like this -
Lantern Chillies green ripens to orange |